People Management Skills
The skills of your people managers are crucial to ensuring the success of your business. Good managers bring out the best in their people in a way that makes your workplace vibrant and productive.
Sadly this is not the case in many organisations and the true potential of team members can remain untapped for years. Much of this stems from the appointment of people into people management roles without any training or mentoring. Management appointments are very often made on the basis of an employee’s superior subject knowledge or length of service to the organisation. The all important issue of being good at managing and inspiring people gets overlooked!

Improve 'emotional intelligence' so they can control their emotions better and read the emotions of others.
What happens when you have a poor people manager?
The effects of poor people management are widespread and damaging. Here are some examples of how a poor manager could be compromising your business growth:
- Morale issues amongst staff who don’t feel valued or listened to. This saps their motivation to ‘go the extra mile’ for the business
- The manager acts as a ‘bottle-neck’ blocking the flow of ideas and communications up and down the chain of command
- High turnover of staff leading to your company paying excessive recruitment and training costs
- Inability to tap into the underlying potential of some great people on your payroll
- Customer complaints and loss of sales arising from poor service
- Micro-managing to the point of undermining the self-confidence of the team members
Can you afford to allow this to continue in your organisation?
How can Executive Coaching help?
The good news is that such situations can be reversed in a relatively short time-frame. We believe that a series of one-to-one coaching sessions can be very effective. During this type of process we can help the manger to ‘own the problem’ or developmental need. We then create a sufficient motivation for him or her to change their style and behaviour. Inspiring Potential coaches have had direct management experience and have a full understanding of people-management issues. A typical coaching programme will help you or your people managers to:
- Increase self awareness so they understand the root cause of the issue(s) and change their behaviours
- Take responsibility to work out a solution in their own preferred way
- Carry out action steps between sessions in order to ‘try out’ new behaviours
- Become motivated to value their team and improve communication
- Improve ’emotional intelligence’ so they can control their emotions better and read the emotions of others